
Team SoloMid stays patient in sweep of FlyQuest

Team SoloMid waited out FlyQuest's early attacks and won the late game to take a 2-0 sweep Saturday. Provided by Riot Games

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FlyQuest lived up to its hyper-aggressive reputation Saturday during its match against Team SoloMid, but TSM weathered the storm in a 2-0 sweep during Week 8, Day 2 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series in Los Angeles.

Most of the fights in the series followed a simple pattern: A member of FlyQuest going all-in and dealing significant damage to a single TSM target, followed by TSM rotating to punish the play and ending with a positive trade.

With early leads and lane pressure, FlyQuest played every engagement like it needed an ace. Given that its opponent was TSM, this strategy was predictably ineffective and allowed TSM to reliably take the lead by the mid game. It's an approach that is all too commonplace for the relatively new organization, and one well-scouted by this point in the Summer Split.

It wasn't just faulty play by FlyQuest, though. TSM took the series victory through clean macro and confidence in the team's ability to turn fights in its favor despite early deficits. In Game 2, FlyQuest's jungler Galen "Moon" Holgate got off to an extremely impressive start on Rengar, scoring five kills before his first death. However, TSM knew it could deal with the single target assassin as long as support player Vincent "Biofrost" Wang stayed close to his AD carry with his Braum shield and exhaust summoner ability. He fulfilled the requirement perfectly, and when the 5-on-5 late-game fights took place, the best-fed player on the Rift was completely neutralized. TSM never even had an inhibitor turret threatened during this one-sided match.

TSM will continue its pursuit for a first round playoff bye when it squares off against Team EnVyUs at 6 p.m. ET on Sunday. FlyQuest, meanwhile, will try to play playoffs spoiler in its 3 p.m. ET match against Cloud9 on Sunday.