
Circa eSports signs Wolfkrone

The crowd watches the Street Fighter V match at the Evolution Championship Series 2017. Gail Fisher for ESPN

Joshua "Wolfkrone" Philpot has joined Circa eSports as the newest member to its fighting game division. He will be the lone Street Fighter V player on the team's roster.

The fighting game player was recognized for his talent on-screen as well as his antics and comments off-screen. Whether it was a mix of personalities clashing or trash talk, Wolfkrone experienced a drought of sponsorship opportunities throughout his playing career. Circa eSports will represent Wolfkrone's first chance with a sponsored organization.

"I think the fighting game community needs more people like Wolfkrone and more rivalries like Kenneth 'KBrad' Bradley and Wolfkrone," Hunter Specht, general manager of Circa eSports said. "These personalities and rivalries exist in other esports and get people excited to watch. I think the same would be true for Street Fighter."

Wolfkrone's achievements were at its peak during Street Fighter IV, but his accomplishments in Street Fighter V should be recognized as well. This year he placed 13th at Evolution Fighting Game Championships, 13th at Final Round, and 7th at ELeague; he's globally ranked 72nd with 205 points. But, Wolfkrone's highlights could easily be off-stage with his interview segments making the rounds during ELeague. His outspoken nature and indifference to repercussions make him a volatile player in the fighting game community in addition to one of the more entertaining players to watch.

"I have a different mindset than everyone else when it comes to tournament play," Philpot said. "I am not worried about being friends with everyone and having a perfect image. I rather just win."