
Analynn "bawlynn" Dang named Justice general manager

The Washington Justice have hired Analynn "bawlynn" Dang as general manager.

She most recently was the general manager of Overwatch's Team USA and formerly served as director of social media and community for the Los Angeles Gladiators.

Dang takes over from Kate Mitchell, who left the Justice earlier this year.

"When growing an organization, it's essential to invest in cornerstone talent that you can build around," said Grant Paranjape, the squad's vice president of esports business. "Analynn brings an undisputed wealth of game knowledge and organizational expertise with her to the role of GM, and is the perfect addition to the Justice moving into the new season."

The Justice have struggled this season, finishing in last place or near last in the standings in the first three stages of the Overwatch League. But since the 2-2-2 role lock was implemented, the Justice are undefeated in Stage 4.

"My insights and experiences from working with past organizations mean that I'm set up to build on the Justice's undefeated Stage 4 performance and carry it into the 2020 season," Dang said. "The team is finally living up to its potential with role lock changes, and I am excited to take this momentum and amplify it."

The Justice will meet the Atlanta Reign on Friday night, then close the season on Sunday against the Paris Eternal.

--Field Level Media