
Every COD map from the Atlanta FaZe's homestand in one sentence

Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images

The home team took the win in Atlanta this past weekend and the Atlanta FaZe looked dominant throughout -- outside of one large hiccup against the Minnesota RØKKR in the semifinals.

Here is every map from Atlanta in a sentence.


Minnesota RØKKR 3, Paris Legion 1

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: A close Hardpoint eventually goes the way of Paris.

St. Petrograd, Search and Destroy: GodRX gives the RØKKR an edge in a S&D round that was slightly closer than its 6-3 scoreline.

Hackney Yard, Domination: It's only one match following, but since their first domination loss last week in the Huntsmen series, Paris have looked shakier on their preferred map mode.

Azhir Cave, Hardpoint: Paris pulls the lead back after a dominating start from Minnesota, but the RØKKR look better prepared and more well-coordinated.

London Royal Ravens 3, Florida Mutineers 1

St. Petrograd, Hardpoint: London come out and raze through Map 1 with an over 100-point lead despite not playing St. Petrograd on Hardpoint competitively prior to this match.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: Another strong victory for London with superior coordination and strong first blood kills.

St. Petrograd, Domination: The Mutineers show signs of life with a close win on Domination.

Azhir Cave, Hardpoint: Strong rotations and breaks give the Royal Ravens another solid win.

Chicago Huntsmen 3, Toronto Ultra 2

Hackney Yard, Hardpoint: Arcitys drags the rest of the Huntsmen across the finish line in a close Hardpoint.

Piccadilly, Search and Destroy: The Huntsmen are almost swept as Toronto ties up the scoreline with a 6-1 victory.

St. Petrograd, Domination: Are the Huntsmen awake now?

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: Another strong performance from Toronto with the Huntsmen lagging on nearly every rotation.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: Toronto are going to want this one back because they nearly had it.

Atlanta FaZe 3, Los Angeles OpTic 0

Azhir Cave, Hardpoint: We were wondering if Atlanta would look as dominant as they did in Minnesota and after a crushing map 1 victory, it's looking like that answer is, "Yes."

Arklov Peak, Search and Destroy: OpTic puts up a bit more of a fight on S&D but once again Atlanta's S&D looks strong.

St. Petrograd, Domination: This game mode and also what happened in this series for Atlanta.

Chicago Huntsmen 3, Minnesota RØKKR 1

St. Petrograd, Hardpoint: RØKKR stay ahead on most Hardpoint rotations to take the map with an almost 150-point advantage.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: The Huntsmen come out looking strong and while Minnesota tries to bring it back, the Huntsmen take it pretty handily.

Hackney Yard, Domination: Fairly close map for Domination but the Huntsmen stayed in the lead pretty much the entire time and had a stronger point strategy.

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: Finally the Huntsmen are here.

Paris Legion 3, Toronto Ultra 1

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: Classic pops off as Toronto controls the majority of rotations.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: Another really close S&D map that Toronto are definitely going to want back.

St. Petrograd, Domination: The Paris Dom on Dom is back?

Azhir Cave, Hardpoint: Yet another case of Toronto nearly bringing a map back only to lose out at the end.

Atlanta FaZe 3, London Royal Ravens 1

Hackney Yard, Hardpoint: When it looks like the Ravens are going to take over, Atlanta has stronger map rotations and breaks their setups.

Arklov Peak, Search and Destroy: One of the reasons why Atlanta is so good on S&D is not only that their players can just go off (hello, Simp) but that they can adjust and plan between rounds.

St. Petrograd, Domination: London manages to sneak a win after a few close calls with Atlanta on the first two maps.

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: Once again, FaZe are the visibly stronger team, but London played this series closer than a cursory look at scores suggests.

Florida Mutineers 3, Los Angeles OpTic 1

Rammaza, Hardpoint: Oh this map is still around.

Arklov Peak, Search and Destroy: OpTic are really going to want this map back.

St. Petrograd, Domination: 146-145 is called a draw.

Hackney Yard, Hardpoint: Dashy and OpTic nearly come back against Florida as this match also comes down to the wire with a 250-231 Florida victory.


Minnesota RØKKR 3, Paris Legion 2

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: Rough round for KiSMET and Louqa as Minnesota has the upper hand in most gunfights.

St. Petrograd, Search and Destroy: Yesterday, Paris said that one of the modes they wanted to look at before going into today was S&D and they take this S&D round due to that prep.

St. Petrograd, Domination: Other teams are quickly catching up to and overtaking Paris on Dom as illustrated by Minnesota's stronger positioning and slaying power.

Azhir Cave, Hardpoint: It's almost a repeat of Day 1, but Zed gets first rotation on the final Hardpoint for the last two points that Paris needs.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: Minnesota completely overwhelm Paris with stronger setups.

Florida Mutineers 3, London Royal Ravens 2

St. Petrograd, Hardpoint: Prestinni eradicates the idea that the Royal Ravens would crush Florida on Hardpoint.

Arklov Peak, Search and Destroy: I'll add Arklov Peak to Piccadilly in the list of "maps I hate but don't mind watching London specifically on."

St. Petrograd, Domination: Another close Dom win for Prestinni and Florida.

Hackney Yard, Hardpoint: The Royal Ravens control favorable spawns and push ahead in a fairly close Hardpoint.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: Florida takes control with some strong first blood kills and by winning gunfights.

Atlanta FaZe 3, Minnesota RØKKR 2

Hackney Yard, Hardpoint: The RØKKR stun the home crowd with strong individual performances to supplement their map rotations.

Piccadilly, Search and Destroy: Minnesota continue to take it slow and steady, showcasing their improvement in S&D while shutting down.

Hackney Yard, Domination: Atlanta find a glimmer of hope in what has been their worst map mode with several triple caps.

Gun Runner, Hardpoint: Atlanta manage to hold off Minnesota despite strong individual performances from both teams.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: FaZe complete the reverse sweep, while Minnesota cement themselves as a top team in the league right now.

Florida Mutineers 3, Chicago Huntsmen 2

Azhir Cave, Hardpoint: A close Hardpoint that was more Mutineers early comes down to the final few gunfights where Chicago shines.

Arklov Peak, Search and Destroy: Some interesting grenade kills as Chicago takes control of the series.

St. Petrograd, Domination: Florida pulls away in the second round of Dom to stay in the series.

Hackney Yard, Hardpoint: We're going to another Map 5, thanks to another much-improved Mutineers Hardpoint performance.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: This is Prestinni's moment.

Atlanta FaZe 3, Florida Mutineers 0

St. Petrograd, Hardpoint: FaZe look like they've returned to form with stronger gunfights, despite Florida's improvement on this mode.

Gun Runner, Search and Destroy: A close S&D round is won out with the coordination and individual slaying power of FaZe.

St. Petrograd, Domination: A late triple-cap on Round 1 brings the FaZe within striking distance after Florida take the lead and FaZe use this momentum to stay just a few steps ahead of Florida in the second round for the grand finals win.