
Ultimate Standings: Redskins finish last in NFL at 120th

Daniel Snyder Larry French/Getty Images

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Washington Redskins

Overall: 120
Title track: T68
Ownership: 110
Coaching: 114
Players: 115
Fan relations: 118
Affordability: 116
Stadium experience: 119
Bang for the buck: 114
Change from last year: -11

Believe it or not, the Redskins have won -- even dominated! -- during the lifetime of many of their fans. It's just hard to remember those glory years with what has transpired over the past six seasons: five losing campaigns, a wild-card loss, and, now, the worst NFL showing in the rankings this year (last year they were just fifth from the bottom). Oh -- and not to mention that whole RG III thing.

What's good

Not a lot for the NFL's lowest-ranked team in our standings. But fans dropped their Redskins only 14 spots in title track. Apparently, many still remember the era from 1971 to 1992, when the Skins played in five Super Bowls and won three. Back then, they boasted the most famous offensive line in history (the Hogs) and two of the game's best coaches (George Allen and Joe Gibbs). The Redskins made the postseason 13 times in those 22 seasons. More recently, the only hope for title track likely was wishful thinking that RG III would be back healthy for the first time since his rookie season, three long years ago.

What's bad

The stadium experience, which currently ranks fourth worst in all of sports. Fans once enjoyed one of football's best home-field advantages at RFK Stadium, which was a drab building but had personality -- and hope. FedEx Field? Well, it's a drab building. Period. The best thing to say is that late owner Jack Kent Cooke built the stadium with his own money. But it's in Maryland, a sterile environment, traffic stinks and, with just one playoff appearance in the past seven years, fans aren't getting much bang for the buck (114th, third worst in football). The Redskins' average ticket cost per game last season was $146.17, $30 above league average. And fans don't feel like those funds are going to good use: They gave their franchise the worst score in football when asked if the team gets the most out of the money it spends.

What's new

Since Dan Snyder (whose 22-point drop in ownership marked the franchise's biggest fall) bought the team in 1999, the Redskins have reached the postseason just four times. They've been dreadful the past two years and always appear on the verge of chaos. Snyder hoped to inject life into the franchise by hiring general manager Scot McCloughan, who has an eye for talent but has had problems with alcohol in previous jobs. The team's player rating dropped 19 places from last year, but McCloughan's front office did receive praise for its offseason additions, from the drafting of guard Brandon Scherff to the free-agent signings of nose tackle Terrance Knighton, defensive end Stephen Paea and corner Chris Culliver. But until the questions are answered under center and on the sidelines, there will be issues. And that could lead to yet more change, especially if the Redskins ever want to climb out of the cellar of our rankings.

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