
What a Stoudemire buyout would mean

Amar'e Stoudemire is pondering his future and whether to ask the New York Knicks for a buyout.

Here is a look at what that means:

For the Knicks: If Stoudemire accepts a buyout offer from the Knicks, it would open up a roster spot that could possibly be filled by a younger player. The team could look to its D-League affiliate in Westchester to bring up forward Orlando Sanchez or Thanasis Antetokounmpo or look to sign another team’s D-League player. It would also slice some money off of the Knicks’ luxury tax bill, which is currently at $6.4 million, according to ESPN.com’s Kevin Pelton.

The move wouldn't have any impact on the Knicks’ cap space this summer, as Stoudemire’s $23.4 million was coming off the books with or without a buyout.

For Stoudemire: A buyout would give Stoudemire a chance to join a contending team for the remainder of the season. It is unclear at this point who would have interest in Stoudemire, but there are contending teams, such as Dallas and the Los Angeles Clippers, that can benefit from Amar’e’s ability to score in the post.

If healthy, Stoudemire can still be effective with the ball in his hands. The 12-year veteran is shooting 55 percent from the field and averaging 17 points and 10 rebounds per 36 minutes. Health, though, is always an issue for Stoudemire.

He returned to the lineup Friday after missing the previous four games with ankle, wrist and knee injuries, as well as 14 of the previous 18 games. In all, he has played 33 games this season.

If he accepts a buyout, Stoudemire will leave New York with a mixed legacy. He promised that he’d make the Knicks relevant again when he signed a five-year, $100 contract. The team made the playoffs in his first three seasons but has regressed in his last two. Stoudemire also suffered through several knee injuries throughout his time with the Knicks. He underwent three separate surgeries and played in 69 percent (252 of 362) of the team’s regular-season games.

Question: What do you think Stoudemire’s legacy in New York will be if he accepts a buyout?