As a service to NHL fans during these uncertain times, ESPN reached out to Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty to find out how our favorite furry orange friend is coping with cleanliness, self-quarantining and generally being a mascot when there aren't any crowds to entertain.
Prepare to be informed and inspired.

ESPN: Where are you currently residing during Philadelphia's "shelter-in-place"?
Gritty: Where I have always been. In your hearts and minds. But now, 6 feet away.
ESPN: What's a typical daily diet for Gritty?
Gritty: Eating all my leftover spices, olive oil, and herbs -- I have become involuntarily vegan. It's all that's left in the grocery stores.
ESPN: Have you been able to keep in touch with the boys, and Claude Giroux in particular?
Gritty: I've written Claude about three letters a day, and he must have moved and forgot to update me on the new address, because I haven't heard back from him yet. I hope him and the fam are OK.
ESPN: Have you been in touch with other mascots?
Gritty: Here and there. I think I've left a few of their messages unread.
ESPN: Is there a mascot happy hour on Zoom?
Gritty: Every hour is a happy hour when you're a mascot.
ESPN: We've noticed you've been active on TikTok, including a stirring solo performance of "Blinding Lights" by The Weekend. Are there any TikTok dances you're looking to master?
Gritty: I am actually trying to develop my own, including the music. I'm only three notes in so might take a while. But that's art.
ESPN: We've seen players working out in a variety of ways. What are you doing to remain in game shape and to keep skills like T-shirt cannon accuracy sharp?
Gritty: Impossible to fall out of game shape if you were never really in game shape to begin with.
ESPN: Cleanliness is paramount these days. Do you have any tips for housecleaning or handwashing?
Gritty: Do your research, Greg. You follow me on TikTok, but not on Twitter?
If you know anything about me, you know how seriously I take my cleanliness and hygiene. The Gritizens have asked, and as always, I've delivered. See below:
— Gritty (@GrittyNHL) March 24, 2020
ESPN: We understand you've been having some shower drain clogging problems? Any remedies?
Gritty: This is a really sensitive topic; it's an ongoing issue. I don't wish soggy toilet paper on even my worst enemies. I'd rather not talk about it.
ESPN: What media (TV, movies, podcasts, etc.) are you bingeing?
Gritty: "Tiger King," exclusively.
— Gritty (@GrittyNHL) March 27, 2020
ESPN: Have you picked up any new hobbies?
Gritty: I ordered four Rosetta Stones: Mandarin, Dothraki, Canadian and Love. Four might have been too many; they're really, really heavy.
ESPN: Finally, what would you like to say to all the hockey fans missing their favorite sport right now?
Gritty: In the words of Troy, Gabriella and the rest of the "High School Musical" cast ... We're All In This Together.