
Poll: Big 12's top early-season surprise?

Now that we're entering the first full week of Big 12 conference games, we got to thinking: Have there really been that many surprises so far?

No. 4 Oklahoma and No. 7 Baylor are both undefeated and rolling just as expected. The tier of teams below them is a bit of an uncertain jumble, which we could've predicted in August. A few programs that might've seem poised to take a small step back in 2014 -- Oklahoma State and West Virginia -- have been better than advertised. So is still-unbeaten TCU.

But the on-field results, to this point, haven't provided many shocks. Kansas State, WVU and OSU played Auburn, Alabama and Florida State admirably close, for sure, but all three came up short of a season-changing upset. OU and Baylor handled their first conference road trips just fine, too.

But there are a few developments, some on the field and some off of it, that provide a nice dose of surprise.

Maybe the biggest one came last Sunday, when Kansas fired coach Charlie Weis four games into his third season in Lawrence. There was also the abrupt departure of Texas Tech defensive coordinator Matt Wallerstedt last month and the ESPN.com report that he'd been suspended of being under the influence of a substance on campus.

Charlie Strong's debut year at Texas, with losses to BYU and UCLA and potentially to Baylor and Oklahoma up next, also hasn't gone as planned. But we have been pleasantly surprised by the prolific start for West Virginia quarterback Clint Trickett and receiver Kevin White, as well as the sharp play of quarterback Daxx Garman at OSU after J.W. Walsh went down.

So which of those takes the cake? Let us know what you think by voting in today's poll.

What are we forgetting here? Oklahoma going 0-for-3 on Baker Mayfield, Dorial Green-Beckham and Frank Shannon playing in 2014? The nine Texas dismissals? Has there been a truly surprising game result we've overlooked? After you vote, please let us know in the comments below.