
Why Duke could be great this season -- and more hot takes I can prove

The first hot take of the decade is that Tom Brady is, shockingly, a mere mortal after all.

Here are some other toasty takes that I believe I can prove.

The Blue Devils are the biggest threat to the "no great teams" theory

Duke is ranked No. 2 in the nation, so it's hardly controversial to suggest that this team could win the national championship. Nevertheless, Mike Krzyzewski's team seems relatively under-discussed. Blame it on our mode of discussion this season.

Rather than pointing at a particular rotation and saying it's outstanding, in 2020 we prefer to repeat that there are no great teams. That has certainly appeared to be the state of things so far (look at all those top-10 teams losing), and it most definitely seemed to be the case when this same Duke team lost at home, in overtime, to Stephen F. Austin.

That loss, however, is the only one Duke has suffered to this point in a season that has included wins at Michigan State, Virginia Tech, Miami and on a neutral floor against Kansas. Moreover, Vernon Carey Jr. has emerged as a legitimate Wooden Award candidate, multiple 3-point threats have suddenly appeared for a program that hasn't had a 3-point threat since Grayson Allen, and oh, by the way, Tre Jones is still a tremendous on-ball defender who doubles as an elite point guard.