Oooooh, baby -- Week 9 was the kind of week the overreactions column is made for.
Before the late-window Sunday games had even kicked off, three first-place teams -- Buffalo, Las Vegas and Dallas -- had lost to teams that didn't have winning records. Another, the Ravens, were trying to come back and win in overtime. (They did.)
The Saints scored 22 points in the fourth quarter and still lost at home to the Falcons. The Patriots won their third game in a row and moved within a half-game of first place in their division. The Bengals, who beat the Ravens 41-17 just two weeks ago, allowed 41 points to the Browns in their second straight ugly loss.
If you went into Sunday thinking you knew something about the 2021 NFL season, odds are you found out you were wrong. These are the weeks that make this job fun. Seriously, who watches sports hoping that the exact thing they expect to happen does happen? Bring on the chaos. Bring on the Week 9 overreactions.