
Texans owner denies secret meetings

HOUSTON -- Houston Texans owner Bob McNair on Wednesday denied allegations that he participated in secret meetings to discuss NFL labor talks.

The allegations were in a wrongful termination lawsuit filed against the NFL Players Association last week by union employee Mary Moran.

She says she was a confidential informant for the Labor Department and gave investigators evidence that former NFLPA president Troy Vincent and other union members met with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and McNair. The meetings were allegedly to provide the league access to confidential union information.

Moran also alleges in the lawsuit that NFLPA executive committee member and former Texan Mark Bruener and Texans player representative Kris Brown attended the meetings.

"There's no truth to it at all," McNair told Houston television station KRIV. "There was never any involvement on my part or Kris Brown or Mark Bruener."

McNair added that he meets with players about many issues.

"I meet with Kris, Mark and Chester [Pitts] and other players who are not player representatives about a number of things," he said. "Just recently, some of the players met with me about the music we play at the [Reliant] Stadium. What [Moran] suggests is completely without foundation. It is outrageous."