
AFLW Round Table: Should we be doing more to minimise ACL injuries?

Our AFLW experts tackle some of the burning questions ahead of Round 5.

What do Collingwood and Melbourne's losses mean for their season (if anything)?

Marnie Vinall: For the Pies? They just seemed to be one step below the Dockers last week, but this loss could light a fire under them. I think it's dangerous when teams are touted as a flag contender and then get an undefeated run against lower teams, so to be defeated by a top team this early and have their weakness exposed gives them enough time to improve. For the Dees? They're not as far off and there was a bit more of an exhale from the Crows camp when the final siren sounded. But only coming alive in the fourth quarter will not win you a flag.

Marissa Lordanic: Since it was four genuine contenders facing off, we now have a real sense of where the Pies and Dees are actually at. Bring the relentless pressure that Freo did and you can beat Collingwood, whose elite defense could only hold on for so long. The Dees have been on level-ish pegging with teams and then blow them away late, but Adelaide is a different beast and, as Marnie alluded to, you need to be able to go with them for four quarters, not one. For me, it's two flag tilts that have taken a big hit, so I'm eager to see how they both bounce back.

Jesse Robinson: It doesn't mean much given that both losses were against the top tier of the competition, but internally they will take away a lot of lessons. The Pies need to find better ball control and some clean marks inside 50, something they would hope Sabrina Frederick will bring, while Melbourne have shown they struggle most when put under immediate pressure as evidenced by Richmond and Adelaide. If they can move the ball cleanly, they'll be back on track.

Is there a clear divide between top and bottom sides on the ladder?

MV: The top six teams have really cemented themselves and I believe any of those six can make the Grand Final, but right now there are too many variables to make bullish statements - for instance, Freo are on top having played five games and the Lions are sixth having played just three, so they could -- or perhaps should -- be seen as a top three team right now. Yeh, the ladder is out of whack and it's going to be until the end of the season, so it's too difficult to know how these teams are fairing in relation to each other. Percentage this season will be crucial, particularly for a lowly team like the Cats who I think can start climbing after a series of tight, honourable losses.

ML: I think we're starting to see the ladder take its shape. And there's enough of a sample size to decipher which teams are doing well and which aren't, but we still need to assess the context of the ladder more than anything. There is a clear divide between the top and bottom teams, but I'm not sure if it's as big as we think. I guess we won't really know until postponed matches are filled in and games played reaches an equilibrium between the teams.

JR: I think it's more complex than a top and bottom divide, but what is clear is that Fremantle and Adelaide are the standard that everyone needs to meet or better. Below them there is some work to do, and has a very "any given Sunday" feel to a lot of the matches which is great for the spectators.

Should we be doing more to minimise ACL injuries?

MV: Without knowing what the solution is, I think more needs to be done, for sure. It's too big of a problem and too frequent an occurrence, and the fact we have more ACLs ruptured than rounds completed right now is telling. We just need dedicated people, who understand the problem and how to help prevent it, to look into this. We're asking too much of these athletes to put their bodies on the line and potentially have their seasons and livelihoods effectively taken away for 12 months.

ML: We know that female athletes are more likely to injure their ACLs, that's a well-established fact, we know biomechanics and hip to knee ratio means there is a predisposition or an increased likelihood of knee injuries. I just think now the conversation needs to turn to how we can help minimise the rate of injury, or, I hope these conversations are now being had. There must be factors outside of the biological ones that experts can control. Should we be doing more? I'm sure a lot is being done, but I hope we're doing everything we can because it's unsustainable, unfair and we can't keep expecting part-time athletes to effectively lose a year of their lives.

JR: The obvious answer is yes. With some international research showing female athletes are up to five times more likely to suffer an ACL injury than their male counterparts, it's clear that there's more that can be done. While there are some anatomical and biomechanical differences between females and males, making AFLW athletes full-time, paid appropriately and allowing their bodies to be fully prepared for the rigors of footy would undoubtedly make a difference.

Which Round 5 game are you most looking forward to?

MV: Geelong-West Coast. Both these teams will be desperate for a win but seeing how close the Cats have come on multiple occasions, I think I'm as ready as their fans to see them revel in the joy of earning four points. Carlton vs. Adelaide also tickles my fancy. Don't be fooled, this isn't an easy blowout win for the Crows with Carlton looking like a side that can eventually take a big scalp. Did I mention the Maddy Prespakis-Ebony Marinoff midfield battle? I cannot wait.

ML: Melbourne vs. Gold Coast really intrigues me this week. The Dees need to bounce back and are always enticing to watch, but the Suns, who maybe aren't on the same level, are riding a wave of confidence and can't be taken lightly anymore. Will also have an eye on the Western Bulldogs-Richmond clash. Are the Tigers just a middle team that dunks on the sides below them, or are the Dogs actually building into something that was disrupted when they were hit with a COVID outbreak?

JR: The Tigers have lost stocks in all key posts and are struggling, while the Bulldogs are consistently underperforming (or are we over estimating them?), setting up what could be an exciting clash at Whitten Oval, while North and Freo should put on a shootout. Fingers crossed for no further postponements.