
Longshot Dolores High is blazing new trails at NBTC National Finals

The journey for the Dolores National High School team out of Eastern Samar may be unique among the 32 squads playing in the 2019 Chooks-to-Go NBTC League National Finals -- the annual showcase of the best high school teams in the country.

Not only was this the first time the school has made the national finals, it was also the first time Eastern Samar has sent a squad.

"This is something huge for us coming from Eastern Samar to make it to the NBTC finals considering that we're sort of the underdogs because it's our first time joining," said head coach Roy Lobriga in Filipino. "But the boys fought. The experience of playing here is already a big deal."

These players from Dolores high school knew they had to make it by hook or by crook. And they even took an unconventional route getting there.

The entire team, coaches included, crammed into a rented van and made their way from their home in Dolores to the port of Allen in Northern Samar. From there, they had to take a RORO ship that brought them to Matnog, Sorsogon, where they then drove all the way to Manila to arrive on Sunday, a day before the competition started.

Even though taking a RORO ship isn't something new, the team and their staff had to take the long way to Manila because they could not afford a more direct route. The team is funded solely through donations and have had to ask for help since competing in the local and regional qualifying rounds.

"We didn't expect to win the championship and make it all the way to the National Finals," said Lobrigas. "We really had to take in solicitations just to get here."

While playing in Manila and competing inside a world-class arena is a new experience for many, just staying in a hotel in Manila has been an eye-opening experience for this team.

"To be honest, the experience of getting inside a hotel, that was already overwhelming for us because it was the kids' first time to sleep on a soft bed in a posh room," said Lobrigas. "We were so happy that we took selfies first and posted on Facebook, just as a way for us to be grateful and overwhelmed because of our accommodations.

"Some of my players didn't even know how to use a shower. We just use a pail and buckets back in our place."

Labrigas is hoping that this could be the start of getting financial support for their basketball program.

"For me, this is a start to get support from our LGUs [local government units]. It'll be a big deal to get their full support. That's the difficulty of the school -- the financial aspects," Labrigas said. "When we get home, maybe they'll be more parents who'll encourage their kids to join the NBTC."

The journey and this entire NBTC experience for Dolores National High School has been all about getting the chance to be recognized as one of the country's best basketball teams.

"For us, this is about opportunity," Lobrigas said. "The NBTC's purpose is to showcase the talent of our kids. Even though there hasn't been a lot of players discovered in Eastern Samar, at least we got a chance to play at MOA.

"Even if we lose, the experience of the kids, the lessons from NBTC, this is something they can take home something positive to their parents."