
Leftovers from a chatty Bill Belichick

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick was once again chatty with reporters in his Friday morning news conference. Two days after reflecting on his time playing eight-grade football for the T-Birds, Belichick was expansive Friday when asked about how technology has changed since he first entered the NFL in 1975.

From the 'ice pick method' to iPads. Belichick was self-depreciating when talking about how he's "overwhelmed" by many of the technological advancements in today's game. "Without somebody holding my hand and helping me through it, there’s no way I could get a fraction of what I get," he said. He then reflected on how he used to write plays on cards for the Colts in '75, punch holes in them, and use the "ice pick method." Fun stuff compared to what happens today, with tablets used on the sideline. Belichick was also insightful when speaking of how the team has changed its teaching methods based on what works for today's players. For an extended look at that topic, and Belichick's tip of the cap to IT specialist Dan Famosi, the video of Belichick's remarks is on Patriots.com, as is the transcript.

Praise for McCourty. Belichick's view on safety Devin McCourty was reflected in how he answered a question on McCourty's presence helping the team rotate at the safety spot next to him. "If we had more players like Devin McCourty ... we’re lucky to have one," he said, earlier adding that he's one of the most experienced defensive backs on the team in terms of knowing the system.

Not watching a lot of college football. Asked how much college football he watched on a regular Saturday, Belichick said: "Not a lot. I watch a ton of college football from February ‘til April. Hundreds of games. During the season, not too much."

Easley's interception a surprise. When the progress of rookie defensive tackle Dominique Easley was brought up, Belichick was complimentary of the team's first-round pick. "I wouldn’t have thought that his kind of first big play would be an interception, but I think that’s kind of typical of Dominique," he said. "He’s around the ball, he has good instincts, he has good awareness. He made a really good play on the interception. He’s just a very instinctive player."