
Two more women join Title IX civil rights lawsuit against Baylor

WACO, Texas -- Two women who say they were sexually assaulted while attending Baylor University have joined a Title IX civil rights lawsuit against the school.

"Jane Doe" plaintiffs 7 and 8 joined the federal suit Monday, both claiming the school failed to sufficiently investigate their cases.

Three women filed the initial lawsuit on June 15. About two weeks later, three more plaintiffs were added to the case. The two women who joined Monday allege that they suffered mentally and physically as a result of the school's inaction.

Jane Doe 7 states that she was assaulted by two fellow Baylor students in May 2009, and Jane Doe 8 reported being assaulted in March 2015.

A spokeswoman for the school declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Among the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, the only woman whose case involves a football player is Jane Doe 1, who alleged she was assaulted by the athlete -- unnamed in the lawsuit -- at an on-campus residence hall on April 26, 2014.

The lawsuit stated that Jane Doe 1 also reported the alleged assault to the Baylor campus advocacy center during final exams, but the university did not give her any assistance, and she was "left to cope with the situation alone and in fear." The lawsuit states that she would see her alleged assailant at football games, would become upset, and would be forced to leave. Stress caused her to perform poorly in her classes, the suit says, and she lost her academic scholarship and dropped out after the fall 2015 semester.

ESPN's Paula Lavigne and The Associated Press contributed to this report.