
South Africa shuts down all athletics events due to coronavirus

Wayde van Niekerk is one of a number of South African stars waiting to see what the coronavirus will bring with regards to the Olympics. Matthias Hangst/Getty Images

Athletics South Africa announced on Monday that all events, from primary school up to elite level, are postponed in the wake of the government's decision to declare a National State of Disaster due to the coronavirus pandemic.

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday night declared the new measures, effectively locking the country down at the borders, banning all gatherings over 100 people, and shutting schools till after the Easter break.

As such, all athletics events, including the Athletics Grand Prix series, where a number of Olympic hopefuls would be competing, have been postponed until at least mid-April, when a reassessment will be done.

The ASA statement read: "Under the ongoing guidance of the government on the virus, ASA will then review and give more information after the 15 April on the way forward, depending on the status of the virus in the country at the time. ASA will then make a decision on all postponed events.

"The federation has the best interest and well-being of the athletes, officials, spectators, supporters and our communities who are all our top priority.

"Athletes are urged to continue with their preparations for all their postponed events so that they are ready when they are resumed. We urge parents, coaches, principals and sports teachers to keep their athletes in training and in good condition."

As it stands, the Olympics in Tokyo in late July are going ahead as scheduled.