
Seattle Mariners use movies for 2024 MLB schedule reveal

The Mariners announced they'll be playing the Cubs in 2024 with a "Rookie of the Year" reference. 20th Century-Fox/Getty Images

The Seattle Mariners will see their 2024 home opponents at the movies.

For their schedule reveal for next season, the Mariners dug deep into the history of film to find times where those teams had been represented on screen. For some opponents, like the Boston Red Sox, Chicago Cubs or Los Angeles Angels, it was easy.

For others, however, they had to get a little bit more creative. The Philadelphia Phillies got a screengrab of the "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" episode "The World Series Defense," where the gang gets in a heap of trouble while trying to sneak into a World Series game.

The San Francisco Giants, on the other hand, got a reference to the popular anime "Attack on Titan."

You can find the full list in the Mariners' thread right here.