
'Not true': Balmain chair rejects talk of Tigers split

Balmain chairman Danny Stapleton has denied the club are looking to split from the Wests Tigers, insisting his board are completely committed to the joint venture.

The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday evening reported that Balmain were considering breaking away from the merger that was formed in 1999, with director Garry Leo saying the club was prepared to walk away from the troubled alliance and go it alone.

 "I really believe the time has come for us to step aside and resurrect the Balmain Tigers," Leo told the Herald.

"We've got more of a following than the Wests side of the merger. To be honest, we have lost faith in them. We're getting Leichhardt Oval upgraded and we could play there every second week. If we can find the right backers, we want a shot at returning to the NRL."

But Stapleton later rubbished that report, saying the Tigers remained committed to the joint venture moving forward.

"I have spoken to my board," Stapleton told The Australian.

"Balmain is fully supportive of the joint venture with the Holman Barnes Group, the Wests Magpies group and more importantly Wests Tigers.

"We want nothing but sustained success for Wests Tigers and we have a wonderful working relationship with Holman Barnes.

"I have spoken to every single board member and every board member has told me it is not true. We are solid as a rock."

Balmain Tigers legend Benny Elias was furious at the suggestion that the Tigers could split from the Holman Barnes Group, which holds a 90% share of the Wests Tigers. He called for the immediate dismissal of Leo.

"Leo is delirious," Elias told The Australian. "They are absolutely farcical comments.

"It's a joke. There is no way in the world Balmain will separate from Wests Tigers. No way. It won't happen in this century.

"The Balmain board should hold an emergency board meeting and sack Leo, effective immediately.

"Wests Tigers have a licence with the NRL. Balmain is a big part of Wests Tigers, just as Western Suburbs are. We are partners and will continue being partners.

"It has taken 25 years for Balmain and Wests to marry and it will go on for an eternity. We have built our brand over those 25 years.

"That relationship is as strong as it's ever been. Splitting with Wests Tigers is totally unrealistic."

The NRL are currently finalising plans for an expansion of the league, beginning with a team in Perth. There is no room in their plans to add another Sydney suburban team.

The post-Super League war mergers recognised the need to consolidate the Sydney market and establish supporter bases elsewhere.

The pursuit of a truly national competition would only be comprised by such a backward step.