
Peterson-Sherman saga moves to Twitter

TEMPE, Ariz. -- We're well beyond the novelty of Patrick Peterson and Richard Sherman publically debating who is the better cornerback, but that doesn't mean the drama is over.

Hours after Peterson went on a Phoenix radio station and said he doesn't believe Sherman is a shutdown corner who could play the Cardinals' defensive system, their debate changed modes and headed to Twitter.

Sherman struck first, lobbing indirect shots toward Peterson. Then came this:


It's a graphic from NFL Network that breaks down the numbers of four of the best cornerbacks from 2013: Peterson, Sherman, Cleveland's Joe Haden and former Tampa Bay Buc Darrelle Revis. The stats show that quarterbacks had a lower completion percentage against Peterson than against Sherman, but Sherman allowed fewer touchdowns and had more interceptoins.

Peterson tweeted this reply to Sherman:


It's a screenshot of game film from Arizona's win in Seattle last season that shows Sherman getting safety help over the top.

And Sherman responded with:


This twitter debate isn't likely to slow down any time soon, especially with Peterson negotiating a contract extension with the Cardinals. It might just last through most of the season. The first time Arizona and Seattle meet on the field is Nov. 23.