
Sherman OK with Kaepernick's bicep kiss

RENTON, Wash. -- Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman doesn’t have a problem with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's signature celebration act of kissing his bicep when he scores a touchdown.

“It’s original, but there’s not a lot of movement into it,” Sherman said. “Jerry Rice [Pro Football Hall of Fame receiver] used to spike it and then do the cabbage patch. Victor Cruz [New York Giants receiver] has the salsa. I like the bicep kiss, though.”

So how would Sherman rate it among the various touchdown celebrations in the league?

“I think if we’re rating the top 10, I’ll put him maybe at 10, the back end of the top 10,’’ Sherman said. “If he puts something with it, like did the bicep kiss and put something extra on it, then he’ll move up.”

Will Sherman watch Kaepernick kiss his bicep on Sunday night at CenturyLink Field?

“I don’t know, we’ll see,” Sherman said. “I don’t think we saw it last time we played them.”

The Seahawks defeated San Francisco 42-13 in Seattle on Dec. 23rd last season. Kaepernick didn’t score, but threw an 18-yard TD pass to Delanie Walker late in the fourth quarter, long after the outcome was decided.

How about a Sherman touchdown Sunday?

"That’s always the plan," he said. "But I can’t be disappointed if I don’t get one. I just have to not let them get one."