
Steelers' Mike Tomlin gets emotional during tribute to Dan Rooney

PITTSBURGH -- The entire Pittsburgh Steelers community mourned the death of Dan Rooney on April 13, and his impact was felt Friday evening during coach Mike Tomlin's commencement speech at Robert Morris University.

Tomlin, who was hired by Rooney in 2007, had to compose himself a few times during a 314-word tribute to the late team chairman.

Here is Tomlin, in his own words:

"I'm humbled and honored to have had the opportunity to work for and alongside the great Ambassador Dan Rooney for 11 years. He was recognized just a few moments ago, along with his lovely wife, Patricia. I've learned countless lessons from them over the years.

"This is probably the most difficult element of my address this evening, to put into words, to express what they've meant to me personally and maybe a lesson or two that I've learned from them. And I've thought long and hard about how to capture it in a small number of words. And I settled on this:

“A lot can be written and said about Ambassador Dan Rooney, his greatness, all of which I’m sure is true. [Pauses.] (Excuse me.) In the recent days, I think the memory that I reflect upon the most is just how thoughtful he was. I fight every day to emulate it. I challenge you to do the same. Very powerful and influential man, Dan Rooney. A lot on his plate, a lot of things that he wanted to do not only for his company but for his community, his city, his nation.

"In the midst of pursuit of all those things, he was always shockingly thoughtful. I can’t give you enough examples to display his level of thoughtfulness. A phone call, a stop by your office, a small conversation, a handwritten note in the mail when I just had lunch with him. How many of us in today’s society take the time to express ourselves to those that we care about, those that we interact with in the form of the written word? A note, a few lines of thoughtfulness, expression, appreciation for a job well done or a few words of an encouragement.

"That was Ambassador Dan Rooney. That’s what I think about when I think about how he impacted me personally and professionally."

Tomlin also delivered lighthearted moments to illustrate his points during a 16-minute speech. He recalled telling his parents, after his graduation from William and Mary, that he was going to become an assistant coach at Virginia Military Institute for $12,000 a year. The crowd chuckled. So did his parents back then.

"Don't be shortsighted," Tomlin said. "Chase your passions."

Tomlin urged the crowd to apply pressure in life instead of succumbing to it. Before that message, he set a humorous tone by saying he would start the speech with a few assumptions about people caring what he has to say because of his NFL status.

"And I realize that assumptions are very dangerous," Tomlin said. "There's a cliché about assuming, isn't it? It can make Patriots out of you and me."