
This is what it looks like when your school plays one of the best teams in the country

You ever see any of those videos of famous athletes in middle school or high school? Like LeBron James dominating some poor kids in a tournament, or Allen Iverson rampaging all over the field in football? It's as if they're playing an entirely different sport than everyone else. It has to be a demoralizing experience for their opponents.

That's why we're thankful for Danny Moran of the Oregonian for giving us a little glimpse of that particular experience. Oregon's Westview High School played Montverde Academy in a recent tournament. Montverde is one of the top-ranked prep teams in the country. Westview is not. Westview's tallest player is 6-5. Montverde's is 7-4 Jean Marc Christ Koumadje. Here is a picture of Koumadje and 6-9 Ben Simmons (who just happens to be an LSU commit and the No. 1 basketball recruit in the country) next to Westview's Abhishek Venkatesh, who is not quite as tall as either of them.

We don't want to read too much into Venkatesh's expression, but considering the score was 41-11 at halftime, we can't imagine it was one of confidence.


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