
Ultimate Standings: New York Knicks remain at No. 121 in franchise rankings

Anthony Gruppuso/USA TODAY Sports

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New York Knicks

Overall: 121
Title track: 116
Ownership: 117
Coaching: 116
Players: 121
Fan relations: 120
Affordability: 121
Stadium experience: 101
Bang for the buck: 118
Change from last year: 0

Anyone who endured any portion of the New York Knicks' 2014-15 season probably would agree with their ranking in these Ultimate Standings (121st out of 122 teams). The Knicks set a franchise mark for fewest wins in a season (17), enduring two double-digit losing streaks en route to the second-worst record in the league. Not exactly what fans were hoping for in the first full season under team president Phil Jackson.

What's good

If you're looking for a silver lining, the one place the Knicks ranked outside of the bottom 10 in these polls was stadium experience. Madison Square Garden remains a draw even in the worst of times. The Knicks were one of 10 NBA teams to report 100 percent attendance at all home games in 2014-15.

What's bad

Other than playing their home games at the Garden, the Knicks didn't do much right last season, fans say. For instance, New York ranked third worst in fan relations (a two-spot improvement!) after a season in which owner James Dolan told one longtime Knicks fan to "start rooting for the Nets because the Knicks don't want you" in a contentious email exchange.

What's new

In 2014, Jackson fired coach Mike Woodson, who had enjoyed a degree of success in New York, and replaced him with Jackson acolyte Derek Fisher, who had exactly zero coaching experience, after Steve Kerr turned down the opportunity. What made things worse for the Garden faithful? Kerr won the NBA title with the Golden State Warriors in his first season on the bench. Possibly even more frustrating, Jackson asked Fisher to install the triangle offense rather than being willing to step down to the sideline himself. After talking playoffs before the season, in February, Jackson admitted to The New York Times, "So far, my experiment has fallen flat on its face." New York fans provided their own grade for the experiment, moving the Knicks down to 116th in coaching.

Next: San Antonio Spurs | Full rankings