
Meb Keflezighi reflects on his last Boston Marathon

Jim Rogash/Getty Images

Earlier this year, Meb Keflezighi, now 41, announced that he would run his last competitive Boston Marathon on April 17, and conclude his career at the 2017 New York City Marathon this fall. Meb called us from his training camp in Mammoth Lakes, Calif., to share more details on his retirement, his memories and his plans for the future.

Competitor.com: When did you decide that this would be your last year of competitive marathoning?

Meb: It has been in the works for a long time. Even when I was a Nike athlete [in the late 2000s], I told them, "Give me until 2012."

I wanted to go on my own terms. I didn't go to Beijing [Olympics in 2008]. So I said I'll prove myself. I've got one more Olympics in me, and the potential to win New York or Boston.

Five years later, I'm thankful to Skechers for giving me a second life. To be able to do what I love: I love running. Even though, sometimes, you know marathons, you can fly when things are going well, and other times, when they are not going well, it is very long, lonely days.

I had signed up for New York City 2013 to be my last marathon. But because of the cancellation in 2012, and the horrific moment of the Boston Marathon in 2013, that kept me going.

I told my wife after I won Boston, "I want to try to make another Olympic team in 2016." She thought I was nuts, I was crazy. "What are you talking about? That's two more years!" I had to convince her to do that. She's been looking for my retirement for a long, long time.

In honor of the distance, 26 miles [New York 2017 will be Meb's 26th marathon], 42 kilometers [Meb's age in November], I'm going to stop.

Competitor: Will you continue to run?

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