
Apex Legends gets a huge mid-season patch

Apex Legends' latest patch is a huge one. Respawn Entertainment

Some big changes are coming to Apex Legends in the middle of its latest season, Takeover, including tweaks to game balance, Legends and weapons. Ash players are getting brought back down to earth while other Skirmishers are being buffed, SMGs and marksmen weapons are getting some love, and there are dozens of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements.

Here's a full list of the patch notes and a shorter breakdown of the highlights among each category.

Game Balance

There is nothing earth-shattering here, but the changes to heat shields should stop players from being able to hang around too deep in the zone, keeping rotations honest and players within engagement distance.

Gold Weapon Rotation

P2020, Prowler PDW, Volt SMG, Devotion, G7 Scout

Heat Shields

Now take damage when any part of the dome connects with the ring (Previously took damage when the core was in the ring).
Now take ramping damage based on how far away the ring is from the core.

Dev Notes: Heat Shields had a few quirks that lead to some weird play patterns around the ring's edge. These changes should smooth that out and make them feel more consistent when not fully engulfed by the ring.


The change to lasers reinforces the developers' commitment to encouraging close-quarters fights with small arms.

Accelerated Weapons

Accelerator Hop-Up has been removed from: CAR SMG, G7 Scout, Nemesis Burst AR.
Accelerator Hop-Up has been added to: P2020, Volt SMG, Wingman.


Increased laser effectiveness at all tiers.


The L-Star is getting a nerf at close range, giving SMGs a chance to shine, while the 30-30 has been buffed to deliver more damage. The G7 Scout isn't being left out, though. While the other marksman weapon is getting a slightly smaller buff to damage, it's getting an increased fire rate to differentiate it from Fuse's favorite long gun.

Nemesis Burst AR

Charge deplete time increased to 8s (was 6s).
Delay before charge starts depleting increased to 8s (was 6s).
Increased barrel effectiveness at all tiers.

Dev Notes: With the Nemesis losing the Accelerator Hop-Up we wanted to make sure that it's still an appealing option for players. We're making some QoL changes that should make it feel a little smoother.

Devotion LMG

Reduced the intensity in the first few shots of the recoil pattern.


Removed Reverse Hipfire mechanic.

Dev Notes: The L-STAR has proven to be a powerhouse weapon that gets away with murder at every engagement range. We're happy it's seeing so much play, but want to make sure it doesn't outclass the rest of the roster. Removing its reverse hipfire should help it feel a little less oppressive in CQC and create some room for our SMGs to shine.

30-30 Repeater

ADS Charged shot increased to 65 (was 58).
ADS Charged Headshot damage increased to 104 (was 93).

Dev Notes: The 30-30's charge shot isn't quite as impactful as we'd like for an opener so we're increasing its damage so that slower, more methodical gameplay feels rewarding and worth spending the time on.

G7 Scout

Damage increased to 36 (was 35).
Headshot damage increased to 58 (was 56).
Slightly increased fire rate.

Dev Notes: The Scout is getting an adjustment up to compensate for losing the Accelerator Hop-Up.


Normalized laser effectiveness to other weapons.

Dev Notes: The P2020 had worse-than-average scaling with the lasers as the base hipfire was better than its peers. We've decided to remove this and lean harder into its hip fire accuracy being a part of its identity.


No longer takes Boost Loader Hop-Up.


Widened blast pattern.

Alternator SMG

Increased mag size across all tiers.
Base: 20 (was 19).
White: 24 (was 23).
Blue: 27 (was 26).
Purple/Gold: 29 (was 28).


Increased mag size across all tiers.
Base: 20 (was 19).
White: 23 (was 22).
Blue: 25 (was 24).
Purple/Gold: 28 (was 27).

R-99 SMG

Increased mag size across all tiers.
Base: 18 (was 17).
White: 21 (was 20).
Blue: 24 (was 23).
Purple/Gold: 27 (was 26).

Volt SMG

Increased mag size across all tiers.
Base: 20 (was 19).
White: 22 (was 21).
Blue: 24 (was 23).
Purple/Gold: 27 (was 26).

Dev Notes: We're taking a pass at most of our SMGs ammo capacity to make them a little more lenient when challenging our more bursty shotguns and consistent LMGs. We're hoping a little more ammo in the mag can help close out those tight engagements before being forced into a reload.


Big changes are coming for Skirmishers, reducing their inherent selfishness to make them team players. Players trying to catch up with a mobile Legend on your team will get a speed boost to more quickly close the distance. Ash is getting slightly nerfed, while other Skirmisher Legends are being buffed to reduce the murderbot's dominance.

Skirmisher Perks

Trailblazer: receive a speed boost when sprinting towards an ally Skirmisher. Allies must be at least 20m away to receive this bonus.

Charged Knock: Skirmishers gain an extra ability charge and 50 HP regen on knock.
Extra charge lasts for 30 seconds or until used.
Extra charge applies to the Tac of all Skirmisher Legends (except Octane) Octane gains an additional Ultimate Charge instead.
HP regen will first heal health then shields if applicable.
HP regen can be interrupted by damage.

Dev Note: Many Skirmisher Legends are well known for using their mobility to lead the charge into a fight (or rotate early looking for one and leave their allies behind). With this in mind, we wanted to give Skirmishers a chance to turn that inherent nature into squad utility and allow their allies to keep up with their high mobility playstyle in order to keep the squad together.

With the Charged Knock perk, Skirmishers can feel free to be more aggressive with their abilities -- knowing that if they perform, they'll be able to earn that free charge to quickly escape or stay in the fight longer. Our hope is that Skirmishers are more confident diving into a fight and staying alive if they do well, and their squad is more likely to be close behind if they don't.


Void Breach: Ult Cooldown increased to 2min 30s (was 2min).

Dev Note: The Skirmisher class perk changes should rival much of Ash's dominance, but we're easing off on the Ash pressure valve with a minor Ult adjustment to make those double long phase tears slightly less common.


Void Passage
Now has two charges.
Maximum portal depth increased to 30m (was 20m).
Cooldown reduced to 20s (was 30s, Tac Cooldown+ upgrade integrated into base kit).
Health Bars shown on enemies after going through your own Void Passage (Void Vision upgrade integrated into base kit).
Maximum length of Void Siphon (interactable rope with tactical portals) created from ceilings increased to 45m (was 30m). Also now created when placing unreachable portals on walls with a maximum length of 20m.
Placement preview now shows where a Void Siphon will be created, if there will be one.
Void Passage briefly highlights enemies on the other side immediately after placement.

Void Nexus
Now reusable with each player having their own 30s cooldown.
Two can be active in the world at the same time (integrated part of Multidimensional upgrade into base kit).
Interact directly with a Void Nexus to 'summon' your knocked allies, and summoned allies can move and use their knockdown shield.
Ult is otherwise not interactable from a short distance, making it easier to revive a squadmate without accidentally triggering the Void Nexus.
Gift from the Rift: can now grab Banners when using passive on a squadmate's Death Box.

Upgrades: Level 2
Ringmaster: removed.
Void Vision: removed.
NEW "Friends": gain all support perks (access Support Bins, faster revives with health regen, gain MRB with Banners [works with Gift from the Rift]).
NEW Eye to Another World: gain all Recon Perks (access Recon Beacons, gain threat vision when ADSing).

Upgrades: Level 3
Multidimensional: removed.
Tactical Cooldown+: removed.
NEW Void Breacher: using a friendly Void Passage grants move speed and improved reloads.
NEW Staring into the Void: Void Passage scan duration +15s for Alter (lasts duration of the Void Passage). Note: scan requires line of sight to enemy from the portal exit and to the portal entrance for Alter.

Dev Note: We've always loved Alter's playmaking potential, but the limited utility of her kit in some situations made her a tough pick. By adding an additional Tac charge, the improved wall-based Void Siphon, and new Level 3 Upgrades, we're giving Alter's Tac more playmaking potential across a wider range of situations. Additionally, her Upgrades now allow you to build Alter into either what your squad needs or what best suits your playstyle. Want to play strategically? Take the more Recon-style upgrades to make plays around or hunt your enemies. Want to provide a rock solid back-line for your squad? Take the more Support style upgrade and bring people back from the brink of elimination-which works extremely well with the new Ultimate rework.

The changes to the Void Nexus aim to reduce the friction around the ability. Being able to re-use the Ult allows your squad to not only use it in case of emergencies, but anytime it might be advantageous. And allowing Alter to recall her allies manually ensures that she can still help those who may not fully understand her kit and secure some clutch revives.


Upgrades: Level 3
Death Grapple: removed.
NEW Grapple Cooldown+: decrease Tac Cooldown by 10s.

Dev Note: With the Skirmisher Class perk, Pathfinder's Death Grapple Upgrade needed to be replaced, so we've added a simple cooldown reduction ... for now.


Upgrades: Level 2
Big Bang: Removed.
Battpack: Removed.
Tac Cooldown: moved to Level 2.
Ult Cooldown: moved to Level 2.

Upgrades: Level 3
NEW Conservation of Energy: Spacewalk grants 25HP shield regen on soft landings.
NEW Combat Reserve: access Assault Bins, carry extra ammo per stack, and extra grenade slots.

Dev Note: Horizon's maintained a pretty strong position despite her fairly downplayed upgrades. These fresh adjustments should allow for some early improvements and then a choice for players: play into her squirrelly escape antics off her passive or lean into some of her combat efficiency and those grenade combos with her Ult.


Original 3P run animation has returned.

Into the Void
Cooldown decreased to 20s (was 25s).
Tac activation time decreased to 0.8s (was 1.25s).
Can now exit from the void at any time by pressing Attack or Tactical buttons.

Dimensional Rift
Cooldown decreased to 2min 30s (was 3min).
Now ramps up to max speed much faster when using Ult.

Upgrades: Level 2
Ult Cooldown: now reduces to 1min 30s (was 2min).

Upgrades Level 3
Fast Phase: now decreases Tac activation by 30 percent (was 20 percent). This reduces the activation time to 0.5s (was 1.0s).
Tac Cooldown: now reduces to 15s (was 20s).

Dev Note: Wraith is getting a number of adjustments to return her closer to her original form. Her sped-up activation allows her to be both more reactive and aggressive with her Tac -- especially when paired with the new Skirmisher perk. We wanted her to assert more control over when she exits phase to get her back into the fight sooner, which is why Wraith can now control when she exits the Void. The Ult adjustments aim to allow her more active access to her rotation potential and, alongside the speed ramp, it will make it easier than ever to set up a portal rotation for her squad. Also, the run is back. Enjoy.


Assassin's Instinct: allies now see the low health tracking marker like Revenant.

Shadow Pounce
Activation time reduced by 30 percent.
Cooldown reduced to 20s (was 25s).

Forged Shadows: Ult Shield HP increased by 25.

Upgrades Level 2
Murder Machine: removed.
NEW Try To Hide: doubles the duration of the passive mark when getting enemies to low health.

Upgrades Level 3
Grim Leaper: removed.
NEW Agile Assassin: reduces Shadow Pounce activation time and charge time by half.
Tac Cooldown: now reduces to 15s (was 20s).

Dev Note: Revenant's fallen significantly from his reign of dominance, so we were looking to reinvigorate him in a few ways with this Skirmisher split. His raid-boss Ult has been less potent with the regen structure and we wanted to give him more strength back into the initial activation of his Ult, especially amidst the new TTK this season (we'll keep an eye on this though). However, his Shadow Pounce had a long cooldown and required a significant amount of windup to use, so it was often saved for the right moment to disengage rather than to close in aggressively. We've reduced this wind-up time both by default and through the Upgrade to allow him to feel freer to use it to engage and secure those knocks to take advantage of the new class perk. Fly, death kitty, fly!


Escape Artist: reduced shields regenerated to 25 (was 50).



King's Canyon.
Storm Point.


King's Canyon.
Storm Point.

Mixtape (March 25-May 5, 2025)

Control: Barometer, Caustic, Labs, Production Yard.
Gun Run: Wattson, Estates, Skull Town, Fragment.
TDM: Skull Town, Fragment, Zeus Station, Estates.


Pubs: Trios & Duos (March 25-May 5, 2025).

Pubs LTM: Power Sword Trios (March 25-April 14, 2025).

A new Pub Trios Event mode that includes the Power Sword.
Power Sword spawns at the beginning of a match and once per round.

Power Sword
Event Melee Weapon.
Strong and fast close range attacks.
Longer range coverage with the ability to launch energy slashes with ADS.
Provides defensive coverage by absorbing incoming damage with ADS.
Can produce an energy blast that hinders nearby enemy players and buffs nearby allies.

LTM: April Fools (April 1-April 7, 2025)

In collaboration with Creator Commissioner: Apryze.
A remixed April Fools mode returns.

LTM: Solos (April 8-April 14, 2025)

In collaboration with Creator Commissioner: Apryze.

Solos returns with some twists.
Now features 30-player matches.
Systems' balance and Ring timings have been adjusted accordingly.

Respawn Token
All players start the match with one Respawn Token, allowing them to redeploy after dying.
Late in the match, respawning will be disabled and players with a Respawn Token are awarded a large amount of EVO.
Unlike Redemption Trios, the Respawn Token is not found in loot and is not a Survival item

Arsenals and Kitted Weapons.
Arsenals will upgrade the weapon by one tier until Purple, and Gold upgrade is available once Loot Bin reset has been triggered.
If a higher-tier scope is equipped on a lower-tiered weapon, the upgrade will preserve the custom scope selection.
If no scope is equipped, the upgrade will grant the scope of the next upgrade.

Ranked Changes

Big kill games will mean slightly less in Ranked, with points reduced for players after their 8th team kill.

Scoring Update
Kill Cap: Kills, Assists and Participations after the 8th will be worth 50 percent (was 6th).

NEW Split Reset Rule

Introducing the new Tier-based Split Reset rule: every split system will reset players to the lowest division of their last split rank tier.
There will be no RP reset from Rookie IV to Rookie I, players will keep the RP they have from the last split.
Bronze IV to I resets to Bronze IV: 1000 RP.
Silver IV to I resets to Silver IV: 3250 RP (with +250 demotion protection.
Gold IV to I resets to Gold IV: 5750 RP (with +250 demotion protection).
Platinum IV to I resets to Platinum IV: 8750 RP (with +250 demotion protection).
Diamond IV and III resets to Platinum III 9250 RP.
Diamond II and I resets to Platinum II 10000 RP.
Master and above resets to Platinum I 11000 RP.

Dev Note: To foster fairer competition and reduce mismatches, we're replacing the traditional hard reset with a new Tier-based Split Reset rule. At the end of each split, your performance will determine your tier and your score will be reset to the minimum threshold of that tier instead of a uniform baseline. This means you'll start the new split with other players at a similar skill level, preserving your progress while ensuring a more balanced competitive environment.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where Rank Tier data would default to Rookie if it failed to load in time.
Certain Loot Bins once again refill properly after bin reset.
Fixed rare server crash.
Fixed an exploit that would allow cheaters to crash the server.
Opened extended supply bins will no longer show an icon after a Legend Upgrade.
Peacekeeper will no longer occasionally fire two shots at once while sliding.
Spider Den loot now reflects current loot pool.
Tridents will no longer be sent flying when boarded.


Ensured Arsenal upgrade VFX shows on both Akimbo weapons.
Arsenals will now provide correct amount of ammo after Loot Bins & Arsenals reset.
Prevented rare bug where Evo Harvesters spawn inside Arsenals.
Rebinding keys no longer prevents using the "Highlight Arsenals" map button.
Upgrading a charged Sentinel or Rampage no longer removes the weapon charge.
Restored correct weapon animation while upgrading at an Arsenal.

Crypto: EMP VFX now matches the distance you could get hit at.

Lifeline: now revives at Support class speeds when silenced and is able to deploy D.O.C. to revive.

Newcastle: can once again move his mobile shield while downed.

Quality of Life

Improved consistency when interacting with bleeding out squadmate near small doors.
Pinging from a Zipline now won't ping the Zipline itself.
Legend Upgrade prompt will no longer disappear when taking damage by the ring. All other damage types continue to close the prompt.


Reduced audible distance of persistent sound on Ballistic while Ult is active (friendly reduced more than enemy.

Reduced volume of:
Alter's active Void Nexus idling.
Ash's Snare persistent sound for self and squad.
Catalyst's Tac and Ult, also reduced Barricade volume and audible distance for self and squad.
Caustic gas cloud persistent sound (initial burst unchanged).
Mad Maggie's Wrecking Ball speed burst persistent sound.
Persistent smoke for Bangalore Tac (initial burst unchanged).

Reduced volume and audible distance of:
Ballistic's Whistler persistent sound for self and squad.
Mad Maggie's Riot Drill persistent sound.

Slight volume reduction of:
Bangalore Ult rocket impacts and explosions at distances greater than pose a threat.
Crypto drone relative to FOV to help with determining location.
Seer Exhibit heart emitter when not in player FOV to help with determining location.


This patch removes the option for DirectX 11. DX11 was released in 2009 and as a result it does not have many of the capabilities shared by DX12 and consoles, including previous-gen consoles. Keeping DX11 increasingly requires maintaining two versions of the rendering engine: one only for DX11 and a second shared by every other platform. While continuing to support DX11 allows older GPUs to continue to play the game, it also slows down the development of our rendering engine considerably leading to fewer performance and graphical improvements over time.

DirectX 12 is supported by GPUs starting with the AMD Radeon HD 7790 and the Nvidia GTX 960. In Seasons 23 and 24, approximately 1 out of 1000 Apex players were playing on GPUs older than that at any given time. Rather than split our efforts, we decided to focus on improving the engine for the 99.9 percent of players who can make use of it.

This patch also contains a number of improvements for DX12:

Added a CVar lobby_max_fps: can be used to change the FPS cap in the lobby and menus. This still defaults to 60 to reduce CPU and GPU usage, but can be increased for players who prefer smoother frame rates. Setting +lobby_max_fps 0 will remove the lobby cap, and the lobby will have the same FPS cap as the rest of the game.

Added a launch argument, -no_render_on_input_thread: prevents multithreaded rendering from using the same CPU core as input processing. For players with a high number of CPU cores (min. 6), this can improve the stability of frame rates and input lag, especially if they have a high polling rate mouse or controller. For other players, this option could worsen rendering performance.

Added a launch argument +mat_no_stretching 1: prevents all resolution stretching and will always letterbox or pillarbox your monitor to the game's resolution. Players should be aware that certain aspect ratios with this setting can break UI elements in the game, but this functionality is still useful for some players to replicate their DX11 setup with custom resolutions.

"Clamp Mouse Cursor to Game Window" option will now clamp the cursor to the area inside of letterboxing or pillarboxing. Ex. when the game is run using a 16:9 resolution on an ultrawide display. This can be disabled with the launch argument +clip_mouse_to_letterbox 0.

Fixed +mat_wide_pillarbox 0 launch argument that can be used to enable stretching when running an ultrawide display.

Fixed some bugs with VSync behavior in DX12 which led to slightly more unstable frame rates when using Triple-Buffering or a lower framerate limit when using Adaptive V-Sync Significantly improved frame rate stability with texture streaming, especially when Texture Streaming Budget is set to Very Low.

Dev Note: While a lower texture streaming budget reduces VRAM usage, it can also hurt performance because textures need to be loaded and unloaded from the GPU more frequently. "None" is the fastest option for performance, but the second fastest option is most likely the default setting for your GPU.

Slightly improved frame rate stability when using Nvidia Reflex or AMD Anti-Lag 2 in combination with high polling rate mice or controllers and capped FPS.