
Why the market for Dallas Keuchel slowed to a crawl

For a pitcher as accomplished as Dallas Keuchel, there will always be interest. But time -- and his lack of velocity -- isn't on his side. Brad Penner/USA TODAY Sports

Dallas Keuchel generally aims at the area just off the outside corner on his arm side -- for the lefty, that means that little alley between the plate and the inside of the left-handed batter's box. He aims at that airspace, he has made his living in that airspace, far exceeding what anybody thought possible in his career, winning the Cy Young Award in 2015 and dominating the Yankees for six scoreless innings in that year's wild-card game.

He's coming off a year in which he had a 3.74 ERA in an American League-leading 34 starts for the Astros, and he could help any rotation.

But Keuchel, born on New Year's Day in 1988, continues to dangle in the free-agent market, under lousy circumstances for him.