
Wrestling world reacts to the death of Joe Laurinaitis, WWE's Road Warrior Animal

WWE confirmed on Wednesday the passing of Joe Laurinaitis, known to wrestling fans as Road Warrior Animal. Laurinaitis had a wrestling career that spanned decades, most of which were spent paired up with Mike "Road Warrior Hawk" Hegstrand in one of the greatest tag teams of all time -- the Road Warriors (also known as WWE's Legion on Doom).

From the iconic face paint to metal spikes to the feeling one got when hearing, "What a rush," Animal and Hawk brought the crowds to their feet around the world. They led the tag team landscape in multiple promotions, winning titles in multiple organizations and ultimately being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Animal made his mark not only in the ring, but backstage as well and as the news came of his passing, wrestlers took to social media to reflect on their friend and his influence.
