
Johnny Manziel's agent on tweet: It's about Cowboys, not Manziel

CLEVELAND -- Johnny Manziel's agent chuckled about the question and pointed out that he's merely a Dallas Cowboys fan.

With the Cowboys struggling early Sunday against the Green Bay Packers, Erik Burkhardt tweeted the unfortunate reality that Dallas has struggled without Tony Romo.

Burkhardt texted back that the tweet had nothing to do with Manziel. It has long been rumored and discussed that if any team would trade for the Cleveland Browns quarterback, it would be Dallas and owner Jerry Jones.

"Haha NOOO!" Burkhardt wrote. "I'm just watching my Cowboys and frustrated they cannot win a game without Romo!"

Yes, even player representatives have favorite teams. Burkhardt's business, Select Sports Group, is in Houston, but his home is in the Dallas area.

Heading into Sunday, Dallas is 3-1 in games Romo starts, 1-7 in games started by Brandon Weeden or Matt Cassel.