
Andrew Luck's response to getting sacked? "Great job!" "What a hit!"

Andy Lyons/Getty Images

NFL football is an intensely physical game, but it's also a psychological one. You want to get inside an opponent's head to put him off his game -- if you distract him at all, you've won. Most players do this by trash talking, but Andrew Luck does it by being ... exceptionally polite?

According to the Wall Street Journal's Kevin Clark, Luck will straight-up compliment players who hit or sack him. Although Clark's reporting suggests that this is just Luck being a nice guy, his relentless positivity has the side effect of weirding out opponents who've thought they've just crushed him. Just take it from Philadelphia Eagles defensive back Nolan Carroll:

"You know if you hear a quarterback get mad, you are in his head," Carroll said, talking to Clark. "With Luck, you thought you hurt the guy, you hear 'good job' and you just say 'aw, man.'"

We're really curious about what he said to J.J. Watt after the sack at the top of this story. We're more curious about how Watt, an infamous trash talker in his own right, reacted to it.


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